Artweaver 3.0
This version includes the following new features and improvements:
New Features
- New team functionality to work together with several artists at the same document over LAN or
- New brushes: Warping and Coloring
- Target category of new brush variants can now directly selected on saving
- New command to capture Imagestamps inclusive configuring multiple elements
- New Filter: Filter Gallery
- Filter previews now show only selected area instead of whole document
- Few filters show now a real-time preview directly in the document
- Selections can now free transformed like layers
- New views for all preset selectors: List and Thumbnail
- New command to deskew images automatically
- New layer properties dialog with more settings
- Improved speed especially on file read operations
- Improved palette docking with drag & drop
- Added support for tools to custom palette
- Improved controls on Preview palette for zoom and rotation
- Added support for units to New Guide dialog
- Added expansion of all group layers with pressed Ctrl key and mouse click
- Improved quality of Hairy Brush category
- Added impasto support for Hairy Brush category
- Added expression setting for Impasto smoothing
- Improved adjusting of brush size with mouse and pressed Shift key
- New shortcut to change brush tool mode
- Shape-Selection and Shape tool now support view rotation
- Added Strikethrough and Underline options to text tool
- Improved saving of GIF animation with transparency
- Added EXIF setting and preview of the resulting file size to JPEG save dialog
- Added EXIF support to TIFF file format (only reading)
- Added support for Large Document Format to PSD file format
- Added 16 bits/pixel option to BMP file format save dialog
- New command to convert a background layer to a normal layer and back
- Text in Clipboard can now pasted into a new text layer
- Added import of presets by double clicking a preset file
- Improved online update
- Many minor improvements and issues fixed