What is new in Artweaver 7?

Artweaver 7 is the next major version of Artweaver with many new features and improvements of existing features.


Brush palette is replaced by the brush editor, which is accessible on the brush tool property bar.

Enhanced brush editor which provides all settings of a brush including a scratch pad to try them out. *

Brush selector shows now a preview of the brush stroke and a history of recently used brushes.

New Watercolor brush type which simulates a digital watercolor brush and new Watercolor presets. *

Enhanced gradient tool to interactively adjust the gradient properties with a real-time preview. *

Enhanced move tool shows transform controls for active layer to directly transforming it. *

Text palette is removed, and additional text settings are now accessible on text tool property bar. *

Support for the Windows Ink Pen interface for pen pressure information.

New media palette which combines all presets and its selectors in one place.

Simplified preset import as there is only one dialog which can import all supported presets.

Enhanced layer duplication, new impasto settings dialog and history shows the last saved state. *

Improved update which now informs on Artweaver startup about updates and installs them.

* Not all features are available in Artweaver Free but only in Artweaver Plus.

All new features / improvements

For a complete list of all new features, improvements and changes please visit the Artweaver 7 changelog page.